Cozy Book Nooks

By Diana Tramontano and Sherri Puzey

We are so excited to feature some of our favorite cozy book nooks from readers all around the country! Each of our readers answered three fun questions about their book nooks:

1. What’s your favorite thing about your book nook?

2. How often do you make time to read?

3. Why is it important to have a special place to read?


Mia @Readingwith_mia

1. My favorite thing about my book nook is my bookshelf! I took a lot of time to find the perfect one that fits all my current favorite and soon-to-be favorite reads! I also think the curved style at the top is super unique.

2. I make time every day! I always read before I go to sleep, but if I have time in the mornings before work or at lunch I’ll read then too.

3. It’s important to have a special place to read because it’s my favorite hobby and having a space to celebrate that and make this hobby more comfortable makes it even more enjoyable for me!


Kylee @Kindlemecrazy

1. My favorite thing about my book nook is how peaceful and relaxing it is. As a mom of two rambunctious little boys, having my own space to escape when I need to unwind is important to my mental health. My book nook is perfect for that! 

2. I try to read every single day, even if it’s just for 20-30 minutes while on my lunch break at work. There are so many books and so little time, so I take advantage of any opportunity to read!


Mona @Booked_inohio

1. My book nook is my favorite room in my house! It’s where I go to escape from reality. My favorite things are obviously my books but a close second would probably be my reading chair. I’ve taken one too many naps in it!

2. I make time to read every day. This may sound crazy but a day without reading to me feels like something’s missing.

3. I think it’s important to have a special place to read because it’s my own little safe space. It’s a place I find myself wanting to go when I want to relax and just completely immerse myself into the book I’m reading or listening to. It’s also a place where I can express myself any way I want to.


Kathrin @Abitbooked

1. I love how cozy my book nook is while still remaining bright! I selected a soft, tufted bench for the base and added plush pillows with lush fabrics to make for a comfortable space. The placement by a window and the addition of plants nearby gives the space a liveliness to balance its restful nature.

2. I try to make time to read daily, but that time looks different each day. Sometimes it is an audiobook while doing work or 15 minutes before bed. Other times it is a few hours of solid reading. The best thing about reading is that it’s always there for you in many forms and for whatever length of time you can dedicate.

3. Having a special place to read is important to me, because it allows me to fully immerse myself in the story I’m reading. Reading can provide such an escape, so giving yourself a special place to read can make that escape all the more enjoyable, restorative, and effective!


Kait @kaitsnest

1. That’s easy, the books! I love the feeling of walking into a bookstore or library and being surrounded by books, so why not bring that feeling into your home? I hope to have a small reading room/home library one day. 

2. I try to make time every day. Sometimes after a long day at work I only read a few pages before bed, but it’s still a few pages closer to finishing another book. 

3. I love having a book nook so I always have a cozy place to flip pages! Especially when my husband has a hockey game on.


Kelli @whatkellireads

1. My favorite thing about my book nook is that it feels like my own personal library. I love being surrounded by my favorite books and the possibility that a new favorite could be sitting on my shelves makes me happy. Organizing the book spines by color is also such a mood booster! 

2. I read almost every single day, especially because I usually listen to an audiobook while I walk my dogs (yes, audiobooks do count as reading!). 

3. It's important for me to have a special place to read because it allows me to unwind and focus on my book. It's really a form of self-care that I'm happy I've made time and space for in my life. 


Leighellen @mommaleighellensbooknook

1. I love all the natural light, my plants, and being able to look at so many of my special editions + custom artwork. Having easy access to my books! And being able to snuggle up in a comfy chair to read.

2. I read every day! Reading is how I relax. It's fundamental to my mental health. And since I’m so active online, it’s also how I connect to other readers. I usually read a little first thing in the morning when I’m having my coffee. Then I take a break in my day to read over lunch. And I always read at night while my husband watches sports. 

3. I think the more welcoming your space, the more likely you are to use it. Think less about aesthetics and more about comfort and location. I must have tried 50 chairs before I picked this one! And I made sure to choose a room that was away from the busiest parts of my house. Just like having a home gym encourages you to work out, a home library makes you want to read more!


Meg @Megs.notes

1. I love my big windows that allow for maximum natural light all the time, and I love that I can see all of my books on display!

2. I try my hardest to make time every day! Lately that has been in the form of audiobooks throughout the day when I find a couple of minutes, but on the weekends I am going to curl up in my book nook for at least a few minutes in the morning and evening. 

3. You can definitely read anywhere, but having a special place decorated in your style can bring so much comfort and joy to your reading time. It also can be a big motivator! I find myself even more excited to read when I’m in my book nook and totally in my comfort zone.


Simone @simoneandherbooks

1. I love the configuration. A spot for my drink, blankets for when I get cold, an emotional support pillow, and a back pillow for my poor back!

2. I usually read everyday after work and before I go to bed. It’s important for me to have my own downtime especially after work since I work from home and sit on my computer all day.

3. I think it’s important for your mental health! You designate a place to sleep, eat, work, so why not designate your reading space too! It allows me to relax, get some me time, and explore new worlds uninterrupted. My husband even knows not to bother me if I’m in my reading spot.


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